Dorothy Cleveland

Dot is the part-time NSN bookkeeper. She tracks and enters deposits coming into NSN. Dot has 50+ years in administrative, accounting and financial areas of both for-profit and non-profit service organizations. She has her MLS from the University of Minnesota and she creates and tells traditional and personal stories.

The Psychological Power of Storytelling

Psychology Today (New York, NY) , January 16, 2011 Summary: Stories are authentic human experiences. Stories leap frog the technology and bring us to the core of experience, as any good storyteller (transmedia or otherwise) knows. Our brains still respond to content by looking for the story to make sense out of the experience. No

The Psychological Power of Storytelling Details »

All Life’s on Stage: Students, Residents Spin True Tales in College Series

Addison County Independent (Addison County, VT) , April 22, 2010 Summary: Professor Linus Owens tells a story about his family during a Middlebury Moth storytelling event last Thursday night. Middlebury Moth is inspired by The Moth Radio Hour, a nationally broadcast radio show that features true stories told by real people without scripts. Participants shared

All Life’s on Stage: Students, Residents Spin True Tales in College Series Details »

New Take on Storytelling

Lancaster Guardian (Lancaster, UK) , February 11, 2010 Summary: A NEW scheme to bring books to life is being launched in Lancaster next week. The Living Libraries in Lancashire scheme gives visitors to the city’s library the chance to ‘borrow’ living books. The ‘books’ – who are actually volunteers from the district – will give

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Senior Center Invites All: Come and Share Your Stories

The Herald of Randolph (Randolph, VT) , February 4, 2010 Summary: What’s more enjoyable than sharing your stories? And what’s a better way to build community than to hear other people’s stories? That’s the idea behind a new series of storytelling programs, called “Talking With,” sponsored by the Randolph Senior Center for the general public.

Senior Center Invites All: Come and Share Your Stories Details »

Red Feather Woman Weaves Native American Christmas Story for Eager Crowd at Museum

Estes Park Trail Gazette (Estes Park, CO) , December 11, 2009 Summary: “Storytelling is customary in the wintertime,” Red Feather Woman said. “There`s more time. Imagine this is my teepee. You`ve come together as a community to hear stories and songs. We`re all connected, everything — places, animals, people.” Rose Red Elk (Red Feather Woman)

Red Feather Woman Weaves Native American Christmas Story for Eager Crowd at Museum Details »

Project Tells the Digital Story of Latino Culture

Spartan Daily (San Jose State Universtiy, CA) , September 9, 2009 Summary: Students and members of the community gathered Wednesday night on campus to watch personal stories of triumph as part of the Latino Digital Storytelling Project. One of the stories was that of Maria Perez, an ex-first generation gang member. Her story described life

Project Tells the Digital Story of Latino Culture Details »

Oral History Class Preserves History, Promotes Community

Arizona State University News (Phoenix, AZ) , May 21, 2009 Summary: Save Our Stories (SOS) is a new Communication Studies degree course in Arizona State University’s New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences. Designed to preserve the stories of a diverse community while teaching students communication skills and research applications, the SOS course is directed

Oral History Class Preserves History, Promotes Community Details »

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