Healing Stories SIG

Donna Jacobs Sife

 “Together for Humanity – Telling Stories to Heal Conflict” This SEMINAR explores several practical techniques and story treatments that Donna has successfully used over the years through her work with communities in conflict, and in response to cross cultural misunderstandings. Drawing from Donna’s work in South Africa, Israel and Palestine, with indigenous and refugee communities […]

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Sara Armstrong

Dilemma Stories Help Teach Social Justice Dilemma Stories – stories in which there are several options, all of which have some appeal – stimulate conversations about different perspectives and open up ideas different from our own. Dilemma Stories can be included in discussions about empathy, citizenship, literature, social studies topics, indeed, any situation in which

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Jenni Cargill-Strong 1

From Stories of Place to Rewilding our Consciousness Jenni will touch on the breadth of stories she sees as relevant to environmental education and empowerment and that they are not all about nature or environmental issues. Jenni will tell the story “The Shambala Warriors” made famous by Deep Ecologist, Joana Macy, as well as a

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Jenni Cargill-Strong

From Stories of Place to Rewilding our Consciousness The Conversation Continues! Jenni will begin with a guided nature visualization and then outline some of the key concepts she teaches in her environmental storytelling workshops. She will tell a Buddhist prophecy ‘The Shambhala Warriors’, which Jenni has come to see as a potent and apt tale

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Sherry Norfolk and Lyn Ford

Boo-Tickle Tales: Stories that Teach Kids Resilience Sherry Norfolk and Lyn Ford October  18, 2017 at 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific Receive an email reminder Audio Preview Not-so-scary stories for young children can serve a deeper purpose of immunizing children from fear, encouraging creative problem solving, offering coping mechanisms and building resilience, while being fun to tell and fun

Sherry Norfolk and Lyn Ford Details »

Contributed Stories

Living in Paradise: A reflection from a story workshop with refugees in Australia. by Donna Jacobs Sife © When working with personal stories, it is the moment that I search for. Not a chronology of life experience which so easily becomes ‘and then…and then.. and then’ which doesn’t grip the heart, or even truly tell

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