Using Story with Aquired Brain Injury

By Meg Gilman. I develop storytelling programs for people with ABI (acquired brain injury) and for clinicians who work in that field. While there are common problems and struggles for people with ABI, the unique nature of the brain and it’s response to trauma begs that anyone telling stories to survivors, for any purpose, be

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Opening Up To Story

By Deborah Freedman. Images are powerful medicine. There are internal images that develop out of thought, experience and imagination, and grow into stories of information, narrative and fairytale, touching the mind, the heart and the soul. There are two words that seem appropriate to our awakening as listeners – integration and transformation. The format I

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Using Personal Story Within Healthcare

By Andre B. Heuer and Charlotte Phillips. This two-part article is a description of a two day training session conducted by Dr. Andre B. Heuer and attended by Charlotte Phillips at St. John’s Medical Center in Springfield, Missouri. Dr. Heuer first gives an overview of the sessions and Ms. Phillips shares her personal experience. Andre

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A Healing Journey

by Laura Simms. “In the human body is hidden a certain metaphysical substance which… needs no medicine because it is itself the incorruptible medicine. The philosophers, through some divine inspiration, recognized the strength and heavenly virtue of this substance and how to free it from its fetters, not through…physical medicine, but by a similar medicine

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Storytelling Helps Convey Science, Medical Data in Tangible Ways

WHYY News (Philadelphlia, PA), May 15, 2013 Summary: Geriatrician Jason Karlawish says stories have a unique power to motivate. A study in Alabama found that patients with high blood pressure were more likely to manage their illness after hearing other people recount success at getting their own diet and stress under control. “Compared to just

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Storytelling Helps Convey Science, Medical Data in Tangible Ways

WHYY News (Philadelphia, PA), May 15, 2013 Summary: Geriatrician Jason Karlawish says stories have a unique power to motivate. A study in Alabama found that patients with high blood pressure were more likely to manage their illness after hearing other people recount success at getting their own diet and stress under control. “Compared to just

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Sparks and Brush Strokes: What Storytellers Can Learn from Emily Dickinson

by Jay O’Callahan Emily Dickinson was an artist who worked at her craft as we storytellers do. She worked with metaphor, cadence, rhythm, rhyme, character and shape. One critic called her a primitive in that she saw everything as if it was there for the first time. She can teach us about surprise and about

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