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Storytelling Your Way to a Better Job or a Stronger Start-Up

Storytelling Your Way to a Better Job or a Stronger Start-Up New York Times Magazine (New York, NY), December 12, 2014 Summary: The age-old art of storytelling — something humans have done since they could first communicate – has become this year’s buzzword. In these days, you need to be compelling, unforgettable, funny and smart.

Storytelling Your Way to a Better Job or a Stronger Start-Up Details »

Showcase Performance: Roaring Korean Tigers

Presented as part of NSN’s 2022 Earth Up Conference With Alicia Dongjoo Bang, Chung Keun Kim, Young Im Chung, Eunseong Kimm, Youngjoo Seo, Yeowon & Sian Choi This showcase will introduce unknown Korean folktales which are based on tigers. The storytellers will represent three generations, from 11 years old to 60 years old.

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Storytelling is Now Part of the International Day of Peace

Desmond Tutu Peace Foundation (New York, NY) , October 1, 2014 Summary: We are pleased to introduce you to Ms. Velma Mukoro, 24, of Nairobi, Kenya, and her award-winning story presented at the International Day of Peace this year. Our thanks go to the International Storytelling Center Executive Director, Kiran Singh Sirah and Ms. Mukoro

Storytelling is Now Part of the International Day of Peace Details »

Tips for Lawyers on Persuading Through Storytelling

Tips for Lawyers on Persuading Through Storytelling (New York, NY), July 10, 2012 Summary: Most lawyers could do with an intensive remedial course in “Once upon a time.” The longer they have practiced law, the more they probably need it. A lawyer’s job is to persuade, which is not possible without some type of

Tips for Lawyers on Persuading Through Storytelling Details »

2015-16 Recipient Brimstone Award for Applied Storytelling

The Brimstone Award for Applied Storytelling supports a model storytelling project that is service-oriented, based in a community or organization, and to some extent replicable in other places and situations. We are confident that the four projects above will inspire excellence in applied storytelling work and communicate to new audiences the humanitarian possibilities of storytelling.

2015-16 Recipient Brimstone Award for Applied Storytelling Details »

2014-15 Recipients Brimstone Award for Applied Storytelling

The Brimstone Award for Applied Storytelling supports a model storytelling project that is service-oriented, based in a community or organization, and to some extent replicable in other places and situations. We are confident that the four projects above will inspire excellence in applied storytelling work and communicate to new audiences the humanitarian possibilities of storytelling.

2014-15 Recipients Brimstone Award for Applied Storytelling Details »

Empathy Is What Makes Us Sane: Ira Glass at Lisner Auditorium (Washington, DC), April 15, 2008 Summary: Ira Glass, creator and host of the weekly public radio story anthology This American Life, led an inspiring two-hour discussion of the techniques of storytelling as practiced by the staff of This American Life, and the reasons stories are so indispensable to our humanity. Glass observed that storytelling

Empathy Is What Makes Us Sane: Ira Glass at Lisner Auditorium Details »

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