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The Secrets of Storytelling: Why We Love a Good Yarn

Scientific American Mind (New York, NY), September, 2008 Summary: Storytelling is a human universal, and common themes appear in tales throughout history and all over the the world. The best stories—those retold through generations and translated into other languages—do more than simply present a believable picture. These tales captivate their audience, whose emotions can be […]

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The Psychological Power of Storytelling

Psychology Today (New York, NY) , January 16, 2011 Summary: Stories are authentic human experiences. Stories leap frog the technology and bring us to the core of experience, as any good storyteller (transmedia or otherwise) knows. Our brains still respond to content by looking for the story to make sense out of the experience. No

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The Psychological Power of Storytelling

The Psychological Power of Storytelling Psychology Today (New York, NY), January 16, 2011 Summary: Stories are authentic human experiences. Stories leap frog the technology and bring us to the core of experience, as any good storyteller (transmedia or otherwise) knows. Our brains still respond to content by looking for the story to make sense out

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Classcraft Launches Storytelling Series for Student Engagement

The Journal   June 24, 2019 At  International Society for Technology in Education ISTE 2019 this week in Philadelphia, ed tech company Classcraft is launching a new “Story Mode” series, which uses storytelling to help teachers engage and motivate students. The series of ready-made stories begins with Classcraft: Season 1, a year-long adventure story that explores themes of self-discovery

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Empathy Is What Makes Us Sane: Ira Glass at Lisner Auditorium (Washington, DC), April 15, 2008 Summary: Ira Glass, creator and host of the weekly public radio story anthology This American Life, led an inspiring two-hour discussion of the techniques of storytelling as practiced by the staff of This American Life, and the reasons stories are so indispensable to our humanity. Glass observed that storytelling

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Why Sharing Your Personal Story Can Offer Real Health Benefits   February 2018 Summary Sharing a personal story is similar to a group therapy session. The teller is reducing her psychological burden AND the listeners can have a physically healing experience. According to Nancy Morgan, writing clinician and director emeritus of the arts and humanities program at the Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center in Washington, D.C.,

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Storytelling is Now Part of the International Day of Peace

Desmond Tutu Peace Foundation (New York, NY), October 1, 2014 Summary We are pleased to introduce you to Ms. Velma Mukoro, 24, of Nairobi, Kenya, and her award-winning story presented at the International Day of Peace this year. Our thanks go to the International Storytelling Center Executive Director, Kiran Singh Sirah and Ms. Mukoro for

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Truth Telling and Forgiveness: Story, Culture and Change

by Loren Niemi. “It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.” Herman Melville Telling your own story helps illuminate the universal in the specific. It lets you own your experience, emotions, pain and hope. Telling the story of the “Other” is an act of compassion that lets you recognize their humanity

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Collections of Stories and Tales

Aesop’s Foibles Aesop’s Foibles is the popular comic strip scene in every issue of Storytelling Magazine. At the site you can see every episode of the comic. Campfire Storyteller Site contains information about the storyteller, his cowboy poetry, his Novel and his calendar. Dennis Trudell Dennis has recently retired from being an assistant

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