
Book Review: Trail Guide for a Crooked Heart: Stories and Reflections for Life’s Journey

By Kevin Cordi Book Review: Trail Guide for a Crooked Heart: Stories and Reflections for Life’s Journey A student follows a wise philosopher for years. He wants to know all that he knows. He wants to understand how this philosopher is able to assemble complete strangers together. He desires to know how he can help

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Ten Ways Storytellers Can Help Each Other

By Kevin Cordi Ten Ways Storytellers Can Help Each Other Create a legacy for tomorrow. People are hungry for stories. It is part of our very being. Storytelling is a form of history, of immortality too. It goes from one generation to another.                                                                         ——Studs Terkel How Do Storytellers Help Novice Storytellers Learn the Craft?

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A resource to keep in mind: Storytelling — It’s News!

Have you checked out Storytelling — It’s News!? Lucky we are that storyteller, Kate Dudding and cohorts, add to this collection throughout the year. As they share, “From classrooms to boardrooms to operating rooms, storytelling is being used as an effective communications tool around the world.” And, you might just find — the stepping stone

A resource to keep in mind: Storytelling — It’s News! Details »

Memory and Stories: Truth, Tales and Understanding

by Mary K. Clark We all have them – personal stories.  Whether we are performing, sharing anecdotes, family stories or heartfelt remembrances, we often tell our stories as if they were absolutely the truth and nothing but the truth. And, because we feel that way ourselves, our stories are often believed. Perhaps our stories are

Memory and Stories: Truth, Tales and Understanding Details »

Life Oral Review

by Mary K. Clark Imagine that your job is to record, edit and produce a story – the “last story” of a person who has entered hospice. This story will be shared with family and loved ones.  How would you handle the interview? What types of techniques would you use?  Equipment? What about editing?  What

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