Workshop | Building Suspense with Dale Jarvis
Presented as part of NSN’s Haunted Weekend
Workshop | Building Suspense with Dale Jarvis Details »
Presented as part of NSN’s Haunted Weekend
Workshop | Building Suspense with Dale Jarvis Details »
At the National Storytelling Network, our mission is to advance all forms of storytelling within the community through promotion, advocacy, and education. STORY NOW! Interview Series Story Now! Now from the boardroom to the classroom, and the page to the stage, personal stories and folktales are catalysts for change in every aspect of our
Story Now Interview: Michael Reno Harrell Details »
Newark, Del. (January 11, 2021) — Erin O’Neil, owner of Fishtail Publishing LLC and author of Gui Ren: Extraordinary Stories of Ordinary People is one of 30 literacy leaders named to the International Literacy Association’s (ILA) 2021 30 Under 30 list. The global list celebrates rising innovators, disruptors and visionaries in the literacy field. The
Erin O’Neil of Fishtail Publishing, LLC Named to Global 30 Under 30 List Details »
At the National Storytelling Network, our mission is to advance all forms of storytelling within the community through promotion, advocacy, and education. STORY NOW! Interview Series Story Now! Now from the boardroom to the classroom, and the page to the stage, personal stories and folktales are catalysts for change in every aspect of our
Story Now Interview: Mike Seliger Details »
At the National Storytelling Network, our mission is to advance all forms of storytelling within the community through promotion, advocacy, and education. STORY NOW! Interview Series Story Now! Now from the boardroom to the classroom, and the page to the stage, personal stories and folktales are catalysts for change in every aspect of our
Story Now Interview: Sherry Norfolk Details »
At the National Storytelling Network, our mission is to advance all forms of storytelling within the community through promotion, advocacy, and education. STORY NOW! Interview Series The theme of our 2019 annual conference was Story Now! Now! From the boardroom to the classroom, and the page to the stage, personal stories and folktales are
Story Now Interview: Dr. Raymond Christian Details »
Transformational Storytelling is an online and in-person school founded by Jim Brulé which focuses on two major areas: providing classes and mentoring in developing the skills to tell truly transformative stories, and the application of those skills to organizations and communities to help heal fractures of class, ethnicity, tradition, and privilege. “Stories develop the potential to
Accreditation: The Transformational Storytelling school Details »
Creating Original Ghost Stories with Cynthia Rintye How did I come to teach a workshop on ghost stories? Well, I certainly had no intention of becoming an expert on spooky tales or paranormal experiences. Then again, I had no intention of becoming the Queen of England, a professional Segway rider, or a teenage zombie trainer.
2020 Halloween Gala workshop: Creating Original Ghost Stories with Cynthia Rintye Details »
HALLOWEEN GALA: The Adult Shows Some Reflections from JEFF GERE NSN Gala Planning Committee Alton Chung said it best: “I’m tired of going to spooky shows that are not spooky.” So here are the most twisted, supernatural, and disturbing tales we could fine. Lovers of horror, you will be pleased. Your guide on this journey
HALLOWEEN GALA: The Adult Shows Details »
HALLOWEEN GALA: The KIDS Shows Some Reflections from JEFF GERE NSN Gala Planning Committee KIDS SHOWS in the AFTERNOONS The committee agreed: start with preschool chills, and grow more scary and tense for the older kids. Oh yes, get more spooky, but be fun. I think we’ve succeeded with some really great performances here. So
2020 Halloween Gala Kids Shows Details »