NSN Membership Meetings

NSN’s annual membership meeting was held on Saturday, July 30th. A follow-up meeting was held on Saturday, August 6th. Both recordings, along with their respective chat transcripts, are posted below. To view the video in full screen, click on this icon: To exit the full-screen video mode, click on this icon: Saturday, July 30, 2022 Saturday, […]

NSN Membership Meetings Details »

J.J. Reneaux Donations

Donate to the J.J. Reneaux Emerging Artist and Mentorship Grants Donate Securely Using Your Credit Card Thank you for your support. NSN is an IRS-designated 501(c)(3) organization holding tax identification #62-1760203. Contributions to NSN may be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

J.J. Reneaux Donations Details »

COVID: The Storytelling Solution

One of the most striking statistics to emerge from the COVID crisis was recently published in a study led by Susan Hillis, an epidemiologist at the Center for Disease Control in the journal Pediatrics. It estimates that “For every four COVID-19 deaths, one child was left behind without a mother, father and/or a grandparent who

COVID: The Storytelling Solution Details »

February 2022 – Eamonn O’Brien

February Story Lab: “How to Craft Signature Stories that Ignite and Inspire Around the World ” with Eamonn O’Brien Eamonn O’Brien If you’ve ever wondered what it takes to craft powerful and compelling signature stories, here’s your chance to learn from a master of the art. You’ll get behind-the-scenes insights into how Eamonn creates new

February 2022 – Eamonn O’Brien Details »

VIDEO: Climate Change is a Social Justice Issue

Adriana Laurent | TEDxUBC Adriana talks about the connection between climate change and social justice through a lens of story telling. She discusses the impacts of climate change on her home country, Honduras, and how she discovered the intersections between these two issues. Far too often we talk about the effect of climate change on

VIDEO: Climate Change is a Social Justice Issue Details »

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