Digital Library

Story Slam: Mother Earth

Presented as part of the 2021 Earth Up Conference Mother Earth holds us all, she feeds us all. Ashes to ashes, waves in and out… Earth. Share your story of connection, your natural disaster survival tale, a tale of caring for another living thing, your tale of growth. Bring it, tell it, come hear it […]

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How to Find, Adapt, and Craft Powerful Environmental Stories

Presented as part of the 2021 Earth Up Conference Discover the world of environmental stories. You’ll learn what makes a story “environmental.” Where to look for environmental stories, and how to adapt and create them for new situations. We’ll use examples from my book Tales with Tails: Storytelling the Wonders of the Natural World. Award-winning

How to Find, Adapt, and Craft Powerful Environmental Stories Details »

Enough is Enough

Presented as part of the 2021 Earth Up Conference During this workshop we will explore, through myth, our connection to Nature and where disrespect and insatiable desire might lead us. Please bring a candle, lighter, paper, and pen to the workshop. Giovanna Conforto teaches at the School of Storytelling, Emerson College (UK) and is the

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Nature in Motion

Presented as part of the 2021 Earth Up Conference Create a Nature Discovery Journal. Learn and practice simple ways to enjoy the nature experience with your child. Select from a choice of activities done in class. Bring 10 sheets of blank paper and colored pencils. Ideal for parents / grandparents. Janice Kelley is the Founder

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The Earth Stories Collection

Presented as part of the 2021 Earth Up Conference This presentation is accompanied by the telling of three stories from The Earth Stories Collection, a global bank of myths, legends, fables and folktales capable of transmitting a systemic, eco-centric and organicist worldview and illustrating the principles and values of the Earth Charter. Grian A. Cutanda,

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Telling the Earth’s Tales

Presented as part of the 2021 Earth Up Conference How can we best communicate the stress our planet is under and some of the best ways to right it? Join storyteller, Judith Black, and earth scientist, Adam Sacks as we dive into the meaning of biodiversity and learn to create original stories that can powerfully

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Youth Empowering Youth Through Storytelling

Presented as part of the 2021 Earth Up Conference Can a collaboration among cousins combat climate crisis by empowering young people to perform bird-friendly mini-makeovers on their homes, schools, and parks? Can a high school group in Illinois restore an endangered species and help to remove prescription drugs from our waterways? Can a college student

Youth Empowering Youth Through Storytelling Details »

Green Fire Documentary Viewing & Discussion

Presented as part of the 2021 Earth Up Conference GREEN FIRE explores the life and legacy of famed conservationist Aldo Leopold (A Sand County Almanac) and the many ways his land ethic philosophy lives on in the work of people and organizations all over the country today. The film shares highlights from Leopold’s life and

Green Fire Documentary Viewing & Discussion Details »

ORACLE Spotlight Performance & Closing Ceremony

Jackson Gilman Jackson has featured at the national festival four times and is a four time Teller-in-Residence at the ISC. Song, dance, mime and/or sign language might be incorporated in performance – whatever works best to bring a story to life. He helps others develop their own stories at his Springboards for Stories workshop held

ORACLE Spotlight Performance & Closing Ceremony Details »

Self-Care for Storytellers Discussion Panel

With Laura Packer, Donna Washington, Ted Parkhurst, Kristin Pedemonti & Allison Broeren The work of storytellers is always vital, especially in times of turmoil. We are keepers of culture and bearers of hope. Many storytellers tend to prioritize the work before their health, but before we can perform, teach, heal, and serve at our best,

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