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Stories of Spiritual Transformations

by Lewis Mehl-Madrona, MD, PhD. Major life shifts, including the curing of disease1, do occur following transformative spiritual experiences2. Spirituality has been defined as those aspects of human striving that relate to God, the Divine, the Universe or Largest Whole, Higher Beings, and/or those things that we have construed to be sacred. Spirituality is a […]

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Revealing a Personal Story

Worcester Polytechnic Institute   March 23, 2018 Summary Dear World visited Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) this week. At WPI, approximately 180 students, faculty, and staff participated in personal story workshops, first solo writing, then pairing together to distill each story into a few significant words. Those words were then written on the person’s skin. Then a portrait

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Q&A with Frayn Masters of Back Fence PDX

The Daily Astorian (Portland, OR), November 9, 2012 Summary: When Back Fence PDX hosted its first live storytelling shows in 2008, the idea of standing up in front of your friends and neighbors to tell your most intimate and personal stories was a novelty to most Portlanders. “When we started, we got numerous emails from

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Pacific Region Spotlight Performance

Event for Ages 16+ Stories Hanasaka Jiisan (Cherry Blossom Man) told by Tobey Ishii-AndersonA Japanese Folktale“Be careful of what you say. That one has big ears!” My aunties would say. I was an avid listener to stories about life in internment camps during WWII. Grandmother would start the stories with “Mukashi mukashi…Once upon a time.”

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