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NSN Vision

By Bill Wight, NSN Board Chair You and Your Story Belong Here! I’d like to extend my remarks from our recently-completed Summit. The National Storytelling Network stands at a pivotal point in our history. It seems that we must grow or die. Continuing on our present course would likely exhaust our financial reserves within the

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Once Upon a Time There was a Sickness

ABC Online (Australia), April 17, 2008 Summary: Humans are natural storytellers. We’ve been doing it for 30,000 years. But about 2,500 years ago, thanks to Plato, Socrates and other ancient Greeks, we in the West switched to inquiry, dialogue, argument and reason when we had knowledge to impart. We still do today. We still tell

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2005-06 Recipients Brimstone Award for Applied Storytelling

$5000 to CHILDREN AT THE WELL: AN INTERFAITH, INTERGENERATIONAL STORYTELLING VENTURE Schenectady, New York Project Director: Gert Johnson   “Children at the Well” has as its goal the creation of a positive and lasting model for storytelling across generations and religious faiths. Twenty-eight teachers and 13 students in grades 6-9 who expressed a high

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We Can Heal the Wounds

The Fiji Times Online (Suva, Fiji), December 3, 2006 Summary: Father Lapsley’s decade-and-a-half-long activism against South African apartheid, both from within and outside that State, could have ended in him living the rest of his life bitter and a victim. In 1990, a letter bomb delivered to him in Harare, Zimbabwe, from the then South

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Story Kin and Cousin Convo #6

Go Forth with Openness: New Dimensions of Storytelling in the Digital World Welcome to our sixth Story Kin and Cousin Conversation. We continue the vision of the Story NOW! interviews by exploring the power of storytelling to transcend divisions and create change. We interview an oral storyteller and a cousin storyteller from a kindred art

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Sikh Woman Balpreet Kaur Turns Cyber Bullying Incident into Inspiration , September 27, 2012 Summary: After someone snapped a photo of her and posted it on online, Balpreet Kaur was ridiculed for following the tenets of her Sikh faith. The photo was taken apparently without Kaur’s knowledge while she was waiting in line at the Ohio State University Library. In the photo, Kaur’s hair

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Advertising With NSN

Advertise on Your ad on the front page of this website will be viewed by over 400 visitors a day! Ad specifications and order form for If you have questions about our online advertising or advertising packages that include our website, monthly newsletter, Storytelling Magazine or our National Storytelling Summit program book, please

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Finding The Sweet Spot For Relevant Curricula

by Sue O’Halloran In order to make curricula more relevant to the vast array of cultures represented in our classrooms, teachers and artists need to look for the “sweet spot” where four areas of learning can overlap: The core curricula for a subject The individual interests, motivations, personality, learning styles and communication styles of each

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