Teaching Us Wonder: Turkey embarks on cultural mission to preserve its folktales

Teaching Us Wonder: Turkey embarks on cultural mission to preserve its folktales “The oral folktales of the Anatolian plateau are a remarkable blend of storytelling motifs and traditions…” Now, an academic project is collecting and indexing stories for future generations. https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2021/jan/08/turkey-embarks-on-cultural-mission-to-preserve-its-fairytales?fbclid=IwAR0WU9zDRwRnLnitOUpFUBx-qs8O_MNfN-ZV9jZ5OdNJGhXn7RPZgXQw2f8

Teaching Us Wonder: Turkey embarks on cultural mission to preserve its folktales Details »

The Story of Storytelling – What the hidden relationships of ancient folktales reveal about their evolution – and our own

The Story of Storytelling – What the hidden relationships of ancient folktales reveal about their evolution—and our own “Once recorded, a story has the potential to live longer and spread farther than any other creature…Stories that earn the widest audiences over the longest stretches of time are exceedingly likely to continue surviving in one form

The Story of Storytelling – What the hidden relationships of ancient folktales reveal about their evolution – and our own Details »

Seanchaí: The storytelling keepers of Ireland’s rich folklore heritage

Seanchaí: The storytelling keepers of Ireland’s rich folklore heritage “In ancient Celtic society, bards held a position of esteem, second only to kings. Their stories and songs “were often the only historical record.” Through the years Bards evolved into seanchaís’ or storytellers who carried those stories from town to town, bringing the stories from ancient

Seanchaí: The storytelling keepers of Ireland’s rich folklore heritage Details »

Middle Ages Merlin manuscript found in Bristol University library

Middle Ages Merlin manuscript found in Bristol University library “Seven hand-written fragments were found by the University of Bristol’s special collections librarian. Specialists analysing the pieces said they contained “subtle but significant” differences from the traditional story.” https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-bristol-47062919

Middle Ages Merlin manuscript found in Bristol University library Details »

February 2021 – Reverend Tawana Davis

February Story Lab: Stories Black Women Tell – A Stream of Culture Reverend Tawana Davis, co-founder of Soul 2 Soul Sisters Centuries before the heinous inception of this country through the enslavement of African peoples and Indigenous First Nation people, there were griots amid numerous countries in West Africa.  Griots are storytellers, leaders, mystics, historians,

February 2021 – Reverend Tawana Davis Details »

How Stories Connect And Persuade Us: Unleashing the Brain Power of Narrative

How Stories Connect And Persuade Us: Unleashing the Brain Power of Narrative “When you listen to a story, whatever your age, you’re transported mentally to another time and place.” Research has shown that while listening to a has proven that A growing body of brain science offers even more insight into what’s behind these experiences.”

How Stories Connect And Persuade Us: Unleashing the Brain Power of Narrative Details »

How Indigenous Oral Tradition Is Guiding Archaeology and Uncovering Climate History in Alaska

How Indigenous Oral Tradition Is Guiding Archaeology and Uncovering Climate History in Alaska In south-central Alaska a chief named Łtaxda’x (EL-tax-da) once owned “a dish hewn from the horn of a giant moose.” When he died, his brothers fought over this ceremonial platter of the Raven clan. As the legend continues, one of the brothers

How Indigenous Oral Tradition Is Guiding Archaeology and Uncovering Climate History in Alaska Details »

African-American folklore inspires meeting of the minds

African-American folklore inspires meeting of the minds Henry Louis “Skip” Gates Jr. and Maria Tatar, Harvard scholars have co-authored “The Annotated African American Folktales,” that “illuminates and celebrates a narrative spirit both intimate and expansive…” The Harvard Gazette offers this wonderful article, a conversation with Gates and Tatar as they explain how storytelling motifs are

African-American folklore inspires meeting of the minds Details »

Native American Artist Rico Worl Designs U.S. Postage Stamp

Native American Artist Rico Worl Designs U.S. Postage Stamp Rico Lanáat’ Worl, Alaskan artist, is the first member of the Tlingit tribe to design a U.S. postal stamp. Raven Story depicting raven stealing the stars. “I wanted to illustrate a moment of drama in a traditional Tlingit story.” He hopes it will inspire others to

Native American Artist Rico Worl Designs U.S. Postage Stamp Details »

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