
Magazine Mis-step

By Bill Wight, NSN Vice Chair On May 9th, your Board launched an exciting initiative aimed at extending NSN’s reach, attracting new members, and making our flagship publication, Storytelling Magazine, even better. Immediately, we stumbled. The crash was instantaneous, and deafening. The seeds of that crash were planted well before the event. We were unaware […]

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Meridian-area teachers learn the power of storytelling

The Meridian Star       February 20, 2018 By Robbie Ward Summary Laughter, smiles, gestures and other connections sparked during a storytelling program Tuesday will likely result in more of the same. Much of the storytelling came from Wisconsin storyteller, author and musician Stuart Stotts, also a certified teaching artist with the John F.

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2017-18 Recipient Brimstone Award for Applied Storytelling

The Brimstone Award for Applied Storytelling supports a model storytelling project that is service-oriented, based in a community or organization, and to some extent replicable in other places and situations. We are confident that the projects selected as recipients will inspire excellence in applied storytelling work and communicate to new audiences the humanitarian possibilities of

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Golden Valley resident draws international attention to the art of storytelling

Golden Valley resident draws international attention to the art of storytelling World Storytelling Day is March 20 By Megan Thorstad | New Hope Golden Valley Sun Post Summary: Golden Valley resident, Vietnam War veteran and retired teacher Larry Johnson has long been inspired by the art of oral storytelling. From his early years as a

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Bringing community together through stories

Shreveport Times (part of the USA Today Network), December 19, 2017 By Henrietta Wildsmith When Amy Lynn Treme stepped out on stage to tell her story at a recent All Y’all Live event, she was nervous. She felt her thoughts were all over the place. She told about her job at a pet shop in Bossier

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Teacher of Year uses storytelling to educate students

The Oklahoman (NewsOK.com), December 17, 2017 By Mary Mélon | The Foundation for Oklahoma City Public Schools Summary: Every student deserves to feel like a hero. That was the message for 177 graduating teachers at the University of Central Oklahoma, along with various education and community leaders at last week’s annual luncheon, Honoring a Noble

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Railroad Bill

sung by Mike Agranoff Click to listen agranoff-song I’ve always loved self-referential humor. Monty Python, Max Fleischer, and Warner Brothers cartoons used the device of a conflict between the author and his character to great effect.  This one was written by Andy Breckman, whom I first saw performing at the Philadelphia Folk Festival.  But he’s

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Hearing Each Other’s Voices – The Urgency of Interfaith Storytelling

By Pam Faro I was about to hit “Send” on the blog piece I’d finally completed, inviting readers on a little trip down my memory lane about how this girl who was raised in White, Christian, middle-class, 1960s-70s Midwestern America came to be offering a 3-hour intensive on “Interfaith Storytelling” at this month’s National Storytelling

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