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Tips For The Would-Be Producer

by Ruth Stotter Member, Producers & Organizers SIG Having experienced the pleasure, despair and surprise from the experience of renting a half-dozen theatres and sponsoring dozens of storytelling evenings, here are some of my suggestions for those planning to produce storytelling events. 1) Instead of a set fee, offer a percentage of the take at […]

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Transforming Fear in the Aftermath of School Shootings

Compiled for public use by Laura Simms. The Healing Story Alliance is grateful to Diane Wyzga for sending these resources collected by Morgan Adams. They are for those working with children and parents affected by the Connecticut tragedy. The increasing senseless  violence culminating in the terrifying events that occurred yesterday affect all of us.  You

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The Three Paths of Transformation; Stories from the Alternatives to Violence Project

by Bobby Seigetsu Avstreih. The Alternatives to Violence Project started in the mid- 70’s by men in New York’s Greenhaven Prison who sought assistance from the local Quaker Meeting in developing ways to lessen the violent prison atmosphere. When I joined in 1986 A.V.P. had both national and international branches. I joined to seek out

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Sharing Our Stories, Intertwining Our Lives: Strengthening Community Ties Through Oral History

by Allison Cox. A small ad on the back page of the local middle school newspaper read: “seniors wanted for oral history project. The Journalism students would like to interview you to learn what life was like in previous decades. Please call if you are interested.” “This newspaper is distributed for free all over the

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