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The Top Six Things I Learned by Listening to Others Review My Grant Proposals

Katie Knutson The Minnesota State Arts Board and regional arts councils review their grant applications publicly. Anyone may sit and listen to the grants being reviewed, but may not speak. Every time I submit a grant application, I try to listen to it being reviewed (if possible). I have learned so much about the process

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Appreciations…for Anthony

by Mark Goldman To the logical, pragmatic, no-nonsense, Type-A personality that I am, the concept of appreciations in storytelling was initially lost on me. Appreciations felt like a “nicey-nicey-fluff-give-them-positive-first-but-doesn’t-help-teach-them-or-move-them-to-change” process. Why not just tell them what they need to change? I would silently think, “Enough of this touchy-feely stuff. Give them meat to chew on!”

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Earth Up: Call for Workshops, Panels, and Master Classes

Do you have experience developing storytelling skills to convey a connection to the natural world? Do you have a unique way of evaluating what’s at stake for all as the climate changes? Are you ready to share your process, techniques, and lessons learned with others? Share your expertise with the storytelling world in a Workshop, Panel Discussion, or Master Class.

Earth Up: Call for Workshops, Panels, and Master Classes Details »

International Spotlight: Hot Tales from Boccaccio’s Decameron

Adults Only Event Five stories from Decameron delivered with modern language and spiced with medioeval ballads and music. Sexy, funny and highly entertaining! An icon of Italian culture, humor, glamour and style, the performance delivers to the audience an unmatchable moment of pleasure and laughter. Paola and Davide unique style of tandem telling embodies all

International Spotlight: Hot Tales from Boccaccio’s Decameron Details »

Story Kin and Cousin Convo #5

 Challenging the Possible: Stories and Symphonies Beyond Perfection Welcome to our fifth Story Kin and Cousin Conversation. We continue the vision of the Story NOW! interviews by exploring the power of storytelling to transcend divisions and create change. We interview an oral storyteller and a cousin storyteller from a kindred art form. Join us for

Story Kin and Cousin Convo #5 Details »

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