NSN presents 2021 ORACLE Award Recipients

Eleven Recipients Presented with ORACLE Awards from National Storytelling Network Since their inception in 1995, the ORACLE Awards have been presented by the National Storytelling Network to those who have excelled in their art, or made significant contributions to storytelling, NSN or its members. This year, National Storytelling Network honors eleven ORACLE Award recipients. Jeannine

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Honoring Juneteenth

By Danni Altman-Newell, Director of Operations Juneteenth recognizes the effective end of slavery in the United States. As the President signs the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act today, NSN is proud to show its respect for and honor the resilience of the Black community by including Juneteenth as an official company holiday to provide a

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May 2021 – Rick Stone

May Story Lab: Transforming Organizations Through the MasterStory Experience Rick Stone The prevalent organizational development model being practiced today focuses on what we characterize as alignment. We tell employees what our mission, vision, and values are and then do everything we can to get everyone aligned with these principles. It’s akin to herding cats, has

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NSN’s Statement on Racism, Discrimination, and Injustice

Storytelling has the power to promote and inspire dialogue for healing, to model courage and compassion, to caution and to build shared experience. NSN believes storytelling is made stronger by the inclusion of many voices and perspectives. We embrace the diversity in the storytelling community and stand with those demanding meaningful and sustainable change to

NSN’s Statement on Racism, Discrimination, and Injustice Details »

Sixty Second Stories

National Storytelling Network recognizes the power of every story, no matter how short. The mission of Sixty Second Stories is to celebrate the diverse experiences of storytellers in a local, national, and international spotlight by sharing stories from members of our far-reaching community. We invite members, non-members, experienced, and new storytellers to submit a 60-second

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March 2021 – Artem Mushin-Makedonskiy

March Story Lab: Values at Work: Practical Tips and Tricks Artem Mushin-Makedonskiy Artem Mushin – Makedonskiy spoke about how he harvests stories to help his corporate clients define and convey their values. Artem explored how 2 companies defined, strengthened, and transmitted their values among their employees. He also shared practical tips for eliciting value stories

March 2021 – Artem Mushin-Makedonskiy Details »

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