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Earth Up

Stories and Science: Eco-Justice, Action & Hope Empower your mind. Empower your spirit. Empower your very soul. Did you miss attending Earth Up 2022? Don’t worry, for only $100 (current NSN members) or $150 (general public) you can gain access to the entire weekend full of workshops, master classes, panels, and performances. Session recordings will […]

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Contact Us

Tell us your story! Whether you’re a current NSN member, potential member, story supporter, storyteller, or story-lover NSN is here to help! Give us a call, or send us an email or letter – whatever works best for you.

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NSN & Special Interest Group Donation Form

Make a Difference with Your Donation! Donors will be honored for their generosity. NSN Annual Donation Levels Diamond $500+ Gold $100 – $499 Silver $10 – $99 NSN does not sell donor information. We care about protecting your data! Thank you for your support of the National Storytelling Network! If you have any questions or

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Stories Bring the World to City Fair

Portland Press Herald (Portland, ME), June 3, 2007 Summary: Indonesia native Ina Demers, who came to the United States in 1974, was one of eight individuals presenting “Journey Stories” as part of the first-ever Bayside International Fair and Market. She described to the crowd the oppression her family faced, being Chinese in Indonesia in the

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Contributed Stories

Living in Paradise: A reflection from a story workshop with refugees in Australia. by Donna Jacobs Sife © When working with personal stories, it is the moment that I search for. Not a chronology of life experience which so easily becomes ‘and then…and then.. and then’ which doesn’t grip the heart, or even truly tell

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National Storytelling Membership Organization /dba National Storytelling Network (NSN) is committed to protecting your privacy and developing technology that gives you the most powerful and safe online experience. This Statement of Privacy applies to the National Storytelling Network (NSN) Web site and governs data collection and usage. By using the National Storytelling Network (NSN) website,

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