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Showcase Performance: Mother Nature Calls – Stories Answer!

Presented as part of NSN’s 2022 Earth Up Conference With Eleanor Clement Glass, Roopa Mohan, Linda Yemoto, Nancy Wang, Robert Kickuchi-Yngojo, Tobey Ishii Anderson, Karin Amano Asian folktales by six Asian American Storytellers highlight the wonder, beauty, and importance of our connection to the natural environment. Stories show negative or careless human actions that can […]

Showcase Performance: Mother Nature Calls – Stories Answer! Details »

Stories of Spiritual Transformations

by Lewis Mehl-Madrona, MD, PhD. Major life shifts, including the curing of disease1, do occur following transformative spiritual experiences2. Spirituality has been defined as those aspects of human striving that relate to God, the Divine, the Universe or Largest Whole, Higher Beings, and/or those things that we have construed to be sacred. Spirituality is a

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The Public Voice Project: Creating a Storytelling Program with the Formerly Incarcerated

by Lani Peterson Psy.D. The first Public Voice Project (PVP) was launched in November of 2004 by the City Mission Society in Boston. Over the course of four evenings, seven formerly incarcerated men met for the purpose of exploring the use and effects of storytelling. My participation with PVP was as the storytelling coach. Carla

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How to Gracefully Keep a Program Running On Time

by Members of the Producers & Organizers SIG Here’s a question that appeared on the PRO SIG listserv. Our Tellabration Problem We have our tellers audition their stories, and plan the timing of our program accordingly. But last year, two of the stories really grew between the audition and Tellabration. Plus an emcee took lots

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Story and Transformation: A discussion from the HSA list serve

Compiled by Cristy West. Cristy West: I thought it might be interesting to consider what we mean when we talk “transformation” in the context of story. How are we hoping to transform our own lives? What sorts of transformative goals do we have for those we work with? What do we mean when we speak

Story and Transformation: A discussion from the HSA list serve Details »

Eco Tours & Spotlight Performances

Earth Up Eco Tours and Spotlight Performances Breathe: A Story Eco Tour: Travel to Brazil’s amazing biomes with Brazilian storyteller Fabio Lisboa (and the traditional voices through him). From Indigenous peoples’ myths and ancient way of life to contemporary ecotales and organic farming, we will seek at the sunset, through the night and at the

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