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New ‘Starring Role’ for Storytellers in Alness

Scottish Provincial Press Ltd. (Inverness, Scotland, UK), May 4, 2007 Summary: As part of a digital storytelling initiative, the people of Alness will be given the chance to bring their personal tales to life, creating a short digital story which will be showcased in front of family and friends, before being published on a BBC

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Promoting Multiculturalism in Our Homes and Schools: It Starts with a Story

Huffington Post (New York, NY), July 18, 2012 By John McCormick   Summary: According to the U.S. Census Bureau, minorities represent almost one half of America’s population under the age of 5. This statistic portends a more ethnically diverse America, with new and growing populations playing more significant economic, social and political roles. Perhaps it’s

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Storytelling Added to Lakota Nation Invitational

Rapid City Journal (Rapid City, SD), July 23, 2007 Summary: A Lakota/Dakota storytelling competition has been added to the 31st annual Lakota Nation Invitational scheduled at the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center on Dec. 19-22. “Holding the event during the LNI in December is particularly appropriate because among Indian tribes throughout America, winter is storytelling time,”

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After War

DIVING IN THE MOON: HONORING STORY, FACILITATING HEALING After War © Margaux Richet, 2014 Is it possible that a war can make stories disappear? Is it possible that adults can force themselves to forget that there was a time when storytelling belonged to their family, to their ancestors, to their neighbors, far from books and

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NSN Vision

By Bill Wight, NSN Board Chair You and Your Story Belong Here! I’d like to extend my remarks from our recently-completed Summit. The National Storytelling Network stands at a pivotal point in our history. It seems that we must grow or die. Continuing on our present course would likely exhaust our financial reserves within the

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NPR’s Mobile Storytelling Unit Makes a Stop in Boise

Idaho Statesman (Boise, ID), June 11, 2013 Summary: Marilyn Shuler, 73, told the story of her life Monday to a NPR recording team that travels the country, allowing people to create a lasting record of the events of their lives. The StoryCorps mobile recording unit, set up in an Airstream trailer, will sit outside of

NPR’s Mobile Storytelling Unit Makes a Stop in Boise Details »

Sacred Messenger

DIVING IN THE MOON: HONORING STORY, FACILITATING HEALING Sacred Messenger © Gloria Two-Feathers 2014 Rain and drought have a rhythm. But during the times of drought there is always someone or something that holds the seed for the future generation. I was experiencing my personal drought when I met Buck Ghost Horse. And a lot

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