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Story Kin and Cousin Convo #6

Go Forth with Openness: New Dimensions of Storytelling in the Digital World Welcome to our sixth Story Kin and Cousin Conversation. We continue the vision of the Story NOW! interviews by exploring the power of storytelling to transcend divisions and create change. We interview an oral storyteller and a cousin storyteller from a kindred art […]

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Healing Storytelling: An Old Technique that Reaches the Young

by Lorna MacDonald Czarnota. For the past ten years, I have worked with at-risk youth. One of the facilities I visit regularly is a residential treatment center or minimum- security detention center. Although it originally housed only girls, three years ago the facility added two boys’ cottages. It currently houses up to 30 boys in

Healing Storytelling: An Old Technique that Reaches the Young Details »

2017-18 Recipient Brimstone Award for Applied Storytelling

The Brimstone Award for Applied Storytelling supports a model storytelling project that is service-oriented, based in a community or organization, and to some extent replicable in other places and situations. We are confident that the projects selected as recipients will inspire excellence in applied storytelling work and communicate to new audiences the humanitarian possibilities of

2017-18 Recipient Brimstone Award for Applied Storytelling Details »

Making Stories, Making Meaning with People with Dementia

by Liz Nichols Have you ever walked in to a nursing home, assisted living residence or adult day care center with a bag full of stories and a heart full of hesitation? Or dare I say dread? Or, do you love telling stories to older folks, but find yourself somewhat frantically trying to keep them

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The Tellabration!TM  Story In 1988, Tellabration!TM  was born. This event, dedicated to storytelling and story listening, was the brainchild of J.G. Pinkerton. J.G. was a board member of both the national and CT storytelling organizations as well as a CT storyteller. His vision was to create a fund-raising event that would also introduce new listeners


Hearing Each Other’s Voices – The Urgency of Interfaith Storytelling

By Pam Faro I was about to hit “Send” on the blog piece I’d finally completed, inviting readers on a little trip down my memory lane about how this girl who was raised in White, Christian, middle-class, 1960s-70s Midwestern America came to be offering a 3-hour intensive on “Interfaith Storytelling” at this month’s National Storytelling

Hearing Each Other’s Voices – The Urgency of Interfaith Storytelling Details »

Story Now Interview: Dr. Raymond Christian

At the National Storytelling Network, our mission is to advance all forms of storytelling within the community through promotion, advocacy, and education.   STORY NOW! Interview Series The theme of our 2019 annual conference was Story Now! Now! From the boardroom to the classroom, and the page to the stage, personal stories and folktales are

Story Now Interview: Dr. Raymond Christian Details »

Story Now Interview: Colleen Jayne

At the National Storytelling Network, our mission is to advance all forms of storytelling within the community through promotion, advocacy, and education. STORY NOW! Interview Series The theme of our 2019 annual conference was Story Now! Now! From the boardroom to the classroom, and the page to the stage, personal stories and folktales are catalysts

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Courageous Conversations: Stories That Foster Self-Awareness, Build Skills and Cultivate Confidence

DIVING IN THE MOON: HONORING STORY, FACILITATING HEALING Courageous Conversations: Stories That Foster Self-Awareness, Build Skills and Cultivate Confidence © David Lee 2013   Sharing stories about challenging conversations provides tremendous educational and therapeutic value to the listener. In this article, we will explore why Courageous Conversation Stories are so powerful, two versions you can

Courageous Conversations: Stories That Foster Self-Awareness, Build Skills and Cultivate Confidence Details »

Denver Launches an Office of Storytelling. Here’s the Backstory.

Westword | March 25, 2019 | by Kyle Harris What’s the story behind the Office of Storytelling? On March 21, Mayor Michael Hancock launched Denver’s Office of Storytelling, headed by the city’s new Chief Storyteller, who just happens to be a former Hancock aide. The move comes in the middle of election season, when a

Denver Launches an Office of Storytelling. Here’s the Backstory. Details »

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