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Tall Stories Weave Mighty Spell (Melbourne, Australia), July 16, 2012   Summary: Just before the bell sounds for morning recess — when attention spans traditionally wane — students have crowded around the feet of their resident storyteller at Coolaroo South Primary School to begin a ritual that has been embraced by generations. A light strum of the mbira, a […]

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Storytelling troupe revives Kurdish culture

Ahval (Turkey)   December 16, 2018 A generation ago, when electricity came to Kurdish villages in Turkey,  storytelling by local bards gradually ended. However, two and a half years ago, in Diyarbakır, the Amîdart Kültür Sanat Bileşkesi (Amîdart Intersection of Culture and Art) was founded. Amîdart’s slogan is “no place but everywhere.” They  tell stories as well

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Businesses Can Connect Through Storytelling

Businesses Can Connect Through Storytelling The Salt Lake Tribune (Salt Lake City, UT), July 29, 2013 Summary: Ty Bennett, the author of “The Power of Storytelling,” says stories are a big way to connect with audiences and customers. Storytelling works in a business presentation because stories make every presentation more engaging, dynamic, compelling and memorable.

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Hearing Each Other’s Voices – The Urgency of Interfaith Storytelling

By Pam Faro I was about to hit “Send” on the blog piece I’d finally completed, inviting readers on a little trip down my memory lane about how this girl who was raised in White, Christian, middle-class, 1960s-70s Midwestern America came to be offering a 3-hour intensive on “Interfaith Storytelling” at this month’s National Storytelling

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After War

DIVING IN THE MOON: HONORING STORY, FACILITATING HEALING After War © Margaux Richet, 2014 Is it possible that a war can make stories disappear? Is it possible that adults can force themselves to forget that there was a time when storytelling belonged to their family, to their ancestors, to their neighbors, far from books and

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How to Create Stories for Children who Are Having Fears and Nightmares

by Nancy Mellon, September 21, 2001. Soon after the recent events in New York City, I received from a mother the following story. The previous morning her six-year old child had told her a dream: “I was on a ship and it crashed. There were a lot of skeletons around and then some people came

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What does membership provide?

By Patricia Coffie What does membership provide? Payback on what you invest. When members cease to invest time and talent as well as money, organizations die. I am currently a member of a family group, two historical societies, a storytellers’ guild, a regional storytelling organization (five states and the others too), a national storytelling organization,

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