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Journey Down the Healing Path Through Story

by Allison Cox © 2000. Because of my firm conviction that stories convey important information to others in ways that few other forms of communication can accomplish, I use storytelling in my work as a Public Health Educator. The tradition of storytelling is ageless and known to most cultures as an experience vital to the […]

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Stories of Spiritual Transformations

by Lewis Mehl-Madrona, MD, PhD. Major life shifts, including the curing of disease1, do occur following transformative spiritual experiences2. Spirituality has been defined as those aspects of human striving that relate to God, the Divine, the Universe or Largest Whole, Higher Beings, and/or those things that we have construed to be sacred. Spirituality is a

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NSN Digital Library

Welcome to the NSN Digital Library! You must be logged into the NSN website to see the Digital Library materials you’ve purchased access to. If you don’t remember your login information, please use the “Lost your password?” link at the right. You can visit the NSN online store to purchase access to additional recordings, you

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Fringe Call for Proposals

Fringe organizers: Barbara Schutzgruber, Loren Niemi, and Mary Hamilton Fringe Performance Opportunity July 11-14, 2024 at the Dumas Bay Centre – Seattle, Washington Submission is Now Closed – Drawing is Sunday, Dec 17th at 3 pm CST Link for Drawing: The Fringe @ the NSN is back IN PERSON for its 16th Season! Explore

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Save Your Space: Virtual Events Keep Storytelling Alive

Virtual Events save your space – the night your show happens, the weekend of your festival – and keep your brand alive. In this panel discussion, you’ll hear from 3 storytellers/show producers who’ve been hosting online storytelling events since March. They’ll share expertise and give tips on how to ensure your online events not only

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Bill Noonan’s Annotated Bibliography

(Student’s Research 1988 – 1997) Becvar, Dorothy & Raphael, J. “Storytelling and Family Therapy.” The American Journal of Family Therapy 21, no. 2 (1993): 145-60. This article examines four aspects of storytelling as they relate to various therapeutic models. The author explores the application via the approaches used by such individuals as Rollo May, Gregory

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Save the Date!

By Bill Wight, NSN Vice Chair California, here we come! Next year, the National Storytelling Network Summit will be held in the San Francisco Bay area, in Fremont, CA from July 25-28, 2019. Save those dates and begin making plans to attend! Speaking of which, you can still register for this year’s 2018 Summit (later

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Story Now Interview: Pete Griffin

At the National Storytelling Network, our mission is to advance all forms of storytelling within the community through promotion, advocacy, and education. STORY NOW! Interview Series The theme of our 2019 annual conference was Story Now! Now! From the boardroom to the classroom, and the page to the stage, personal stories and folktales are catalysts

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Join or Renew

JOIN NOW   NSN Membership Benefits Join NSN and become a part of the world’s largest community of storytellers. Below are the fantastic benefits you’ll receive when you join NSN:   GREENWOOD’S WORLD FOLKLORE AND FOLKLIFE RESOURCE & DATABASE GUIDE Only available through institutions, such as libraries or schools…AND NSN! Gain access to the most

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