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Your Stories: BBC Broadcasts Viewer-Produced Videos

Digital-Lifestyles.Info (London, England, UK), April 26, 2005 Summary: BBCi has launched a programming service for digital satellite viewers showcasing short films made by ordinary folk across the UK. Commissioned by BBC New Media and developed by BBC Nations and Regions, the service – dubbed “Your Stories” – is accessible at any time by pressing the

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Support NSN

Tech Volunteer Incentives: Per Conference: 5 hours or more = 40% off package registration10 hour or more = complimentary package registration Per calendar year: 30 hours of more = complimentary NSN membership for following calendar year Ways to Support NSN There are many ways you can support the mission of the National Storytelling Network. One

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The Top Six Things I Learned by Listening to Others Review My Grant Proposals

Katie Knutson The Minnesota State Arts Board and regional arts councils review their grant applications publicly. Anyone may sit and listen to the grants being reviewed, but may not speak. Every time I submit a grant application, I try to listen to it being reviewed (if possible). I have learned so much about the process

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Kevin Cordi

Challenges to Those Who Respond with Story – A Call Out to Storytellers

By Kevin Cordi Challenges to Those Who Respond with Story – A Call Out to Storytellers One must continually reflect when they chose to take on the ‘mantle of storyteller’ or decide to use stories in their work and daily life. For over 25 years, I work to honor this mantle. This includes not only

Challenges to Those Who Respond with Story – A Call Out to Storytellers Details »

Workbook for Theater and Storytelling Collaborations

The NSN Producers & Organizers SIG Pre-Conference Workshop July 2007               By Nancy Donoval and Loren Nieme   As a preparation for Theater and Storytelling collaborations, here is a set of questions and considerations that are worth asking before undertaking a collaboration.   What is the project?   O    

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J.J. Reneaux Donations

Donate to the J.J. Reneaux Emerging Artist and Mentorship Grants Donate Securely Using Your Credit Card Thank you for your support. NSN is an IRS-designated 501(c)(3) organization holding tax identification #62-1760203. Contributions to NSN may be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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Why Right-brainers Will Rule This Century

Why Right-brainers Will Rule This Century (Atlanta, GA), May 7, 2009 Summary: Your left brain is logical, linear, by-the-numbers; the right side is creative, artistic, empathetic. Oprah Winfrey talks with Daniel Pink about his groundbreaking book, “A Whole New Mind”, and explores how right-brain thinkers are wired for 21st-century success. The best part: Anyone

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