
11 Ways Remarkable Storytellers Create New Worlds

11 Ways Remarkable Storytellers Create New Worlds Time Magazine (New York, NY), June 10, 2015 Summary: The better at storytelling someone is, the more that readers and listeners are transported to a whole new world. According to studies conducted on this transportation phenomenon, great stories alter beliefs, result in the loss of access to real-world

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What is a Storytelling Residency?

By Katie Knutson Many Storytellers, especially those who work with children, talk about doing residencies. Often we forget that newer tellers might not know what we are talking about. This is especially confusing when the term “Artist Residency” means two very different things. A School or Arts Learning Residency In my experience, when most storytellers

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The resurgence of the storyteller

The resurgence of the storyteller The Hindu Business Line (Chennai, India), March 12, 2015 Summary: It’s beyond doubt that storytelling has immense power as a tool to make people believe in an idea. For different kinds of professionals (educators, human resource managers, marketers, etc.) different reasons are fuelling the storyteller phenomenon. Specifically, in the case

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