
The Heart of Storytelling: The American Red Cross Lets Real People Tell Their Stories

The Heart of Storytelling: The American Red Cross Lets Real People Tell Their Stories Co.Create, Fast Company (New York, NY), December 18, 2012 Summary: With its new Storytellers campaign, The American Red Cross gives a voice–and a camera–to the people who have been helped by the organization. A New Yorker whose home was ravaged by

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Making Stories, Making Meaning with People with Dementia

by Liz Nichols Have you ever walked in to a nursing home, assisted living residence or adult day care center with a bag full of stories and a heart full of hesitation? Or dare I say dread? Or, do you love telling stories to older folks, but find yourself somewhat frantically trying to keep them

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NSN 2012 Conference Closing Keynote – Bill Harley

The 2012 National Storytelling Conference was “A Conference to Remember.”  Like the Akan “Sankofa” mythical bird which looks back while moving forward, we remember the wisdom of the past so we can reach our future potential. Forty years on in the storytelling renaissance, we are at the end of something, which means we’re at the

NSN 2012 Conference Closing Keynote – Bill Harley Details »

Dungeons, Dragons and Storytellers

by Zalka Csenge Virág Zalka was our New Voices guest writer for the 4th quarter issue of Storytelling Magazine. Her article is posted here to inspire a place for discussion and follow-up. Comments encouraged! Many people see role-playing games (RPGs) as obscure imaginary worlds, heavy rulebooks, and nerdy teenagers rolling multi-sided dice in their mother’s

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