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Beirut Fundraiser

Lebanese Storytellers In Their Own Words Where do you find some of the richest, most powerful stories in the world?  Somewhere ancient, where the drama of human life has played itself out in a 40-year civil war, corrupt leaders laying waste to an economy, and a devastating explosion that destroyed over 300,000 homes amid a […]

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Every Town Should have a Storyville

It is close to 7:00 P.M, the library closes in two hours.  People come in from the cold, some faces are familiar, there is older Flora and her daughter who consistently arrive before anyone else.  Strangers find a seat in the back only to hear “the best seats are up front.” The new bright purple

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Kevin Cordi

Challenges to Those Who Respond with Story – A Call Out to Storytellers

By Kevin Cordi Challenges to Those Who Respond with Story – A Call Out to Storytellers One must continually reflect when they chose to take on the ‘mantle of storyteller’ or decide to use stories in their work and daily life. For over 25 years, I work to honor this mantle. This includes not only

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Story Now Interview: Jackie & Papa Wright, Jr. – St. Louis, Missouri

At the National Storytelling Network, our mission is to advance all forms of storytelling within the community through promotion, advocacy, and education. STORY NOW! Interview Series The theme of our 2019 annual conference was Story Now! Now! From the boardroom to the classroom, and the page to the stage, personal stories and folktales are catalysts

Story Now Interview: Jackie & Papa Wright, Jr. – St. Louis, Missouri Details »

We need stories and our storytellers now

As we sit locked in our homes because of the invisible invasion known as a virus, I value the time to be reflective, to steal away from a tv series, but what I really appreciate are the stories from the storytellers. Although I am sometimes fearful of “the new normal,” I know in every scenario

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Save the Date!

By Bill Wight, NSN Vice Chair California, here we come! Next year, the National Storytelling Network Summit will be held in the San Francisco Bay area, in Fremont, CA from July 25-28, 2019. Save those dates and begin making plans to attend! Speaking of which, you can still register for this year’s 2018 Summit (later

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NSN Vision

By Bill Wight, NSN Board Chair You and Your Story Belong Here! I’d like to extend my remarks from our recently-completed Summit. The National Storytelling Network stands at a pivotal point in our history. It seems that we must grow or die. Continuing on our present course would likely exhaust our financial reserves within the

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From the NSN Staff: Happy Holidays!

By Danni Altman-Newell, Marketing & Membership Manager Happy Holidays! Another year is rushing to a close and it seems like everyone around me is marveling at how fast the year went! 2018 proved to be another year packed with changes and transitions. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. Change provides an opportunity to stay relevant

From the NSN Staff: Happy Holidays! Details »

Ten Ways Storytellers Can Help Each Other

By Kevin Cordi Ten Ways Storytellers Can Help Each Other Create a legacy for tomorrow. People are hungry for stories. It is part of our very being. Storytelling is a form of history, of immortality too. It goes from one generation to another.                                                                         ——Studs Terkel How Do Storytellers Help Novice Storytellers Learn the Craft?

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