2020 Halloween Gala workshop: Creating Original Ghost Stories with Cynthia Rintye
Creating Original Ghost Stories with Cynthia Rintye How did I come to teach a workshop on ghost stories? Well, I certainly had no intention of becoming an expert on spooky tales or paranormal experiences. Then again, I had no intention of becoming the Queen of England, a professional Segway rider, or a teenage zombie trainer. […]

HALLOWEEN GALA: The Adult Shows Some Reflections from JEFF GERE NSN Gala Planning Committee Alton Chung said it best: “I’m tired of going to spooky shows that are not spooky.” So here are the most twisted, supernatural, and disturbing tales we could fine. Lovers of horror, you will be pleased. Your guide on this journey […]

2020 Halloween Gala Kids Shows
HALLOWEEN GALA: The KIDS Shows Some Reflections from JEFF GERE NSN Gala Planning Committee KIDS SHOWS in the AFTERNOONS The committee agreed: start with preschool chills, and grow more scary and tense for the older kids. Oh yes, get more spooky, but be fun. I think we’ve succeeded with some really great performances here. So […]

NSN’s 2020 Halloween Gala Tellers!
The HOUR of REVELATION is HERE! The Programming Committee is thrilled to announce NSN’s 2020 Halloween Gala Tellers! Oct 30: MISCHIEF NIGHT Haunted Story Slam (6pm Central US Time) YOU! Prepare your best 5-min true personal “Haunted” story & throw your name in the hat! Storied Costume Contest (8pm Central US Time) YOU! (Again!) Don […]
Right Livelihood Professional Training
Right Livelihood Professional Training Webinar https://www.tlanetwork.org/your-calling/ For writers, storytellers, performers, educators, coaches, facilitators, consultants, and healers who use the power of language to catalyze personal and communal transformation. In this 30-min webinar, you’ll learn: The 6 Signs and Wonders to help you converse with your Calling The 4 Concrete Steps you can take now to […]
At Gilead Church in Chicago, storytelling is central to worship
The Christian Century April 9, 2019 Rebecca Anderson, a Disciples of Christ pastor, got an idea after attending a packing Moth event: ‘Do we not have a true story to tell in community?’” The former stand-up comic did her booming preacher impression when describing that epiphany. The insight eventually led to Anderson joining with her […]
Ditch the grammar and teach children storytelling instead
The Guardian, New York, NY May 19, 2017 By Tim Lott Writing stories is a craft that is crucial for life. And if the government insists, you can test it, measure it and use it in commerce, too A report in the Times has quoted a secondary school teacher who complained that their year […]
Art and storytelling event gives voice to local homeless community
The Michigan Daily, Ann Arbor, MI November 11, 2018 The Washtenaw Housing Alliance and Shelter Association of Washtenaw County hosted the second-ever Voices of Homelessness event Friday evening in Ypsilanti, inviting community members to share their experiences with homelessness through art and storytelling. The speak-out was intended to spread awareness about homelessness and connect displaced people to […]
Stories meant to be told
Deccan Chronicle, Secunderabad, India December 25, 2018 Stories Worth Sharing is an initiative which strives to revive the art of storytelling. Himanshu Poswal and Mohit Munjal, two engineering graduates from Delhi, are the founders. When travelling, they witnessed a group of people who put the phones away and were sharing stories. They realized they should […]
Yeager symposium features Adam Booth to talk about Appalachia
The Parthenon October 18, 2018 By Douglas Harding World-renowned storyteller, musician and West Virginia native Adam Booth participated in a Yeager Symposium and open dialogue with Marshall University students and Huntington residents Wednesday, Oct.17 at the Joan C. Edwards Performing Arts Center Playhouse. Booth discussed Appalachian dialects and accents and how they can enhance storytelling. An […]
The lone storytelling ranger, Retired Forest Services worker recounts days gone by
The Mining Journal October 10, 2018 By Corey Kelly MARQUETTE — Pete Griffin, the Storytelling Ranger, spoke in front of a warm fire to a crowd in the Heritage Room of the Peter White Public Library Monday evening. Griffin told stories about the natural world, and the human one, by incorporating his experiences of growing up […]
Tales well-told, Taos Storytelling Festival launches 19th season of great fables
The Taos News October 11, 2018 By Tempo staff The way a story is told makes all the difference. It can simply entertain or help put a toddler to sleep, but when a story grabs you and pulls you into its world, engrossed in all its drama, comedy or pathos, it’s a story well- told. Stories […]
Novel approach to medical care? Docs trained in storytelling
WTOP October 10, 2018 By Rachel Nania WASHINGTON — There is no denying that cutting-edge equipment and pharmaceutical breakthroughs can help save lives — but so can a doctor trained in storytelling. Dr. Rita Charon is a Harvard-trained internist who practices general medicine. She is also a literary scholar who earned her Ph.D. studying the works […]
International Meeting Gathers Storytellers From The World
Telesurtv.net October 9, 2018 Spoken word narrators from eight different countries will gather in Lima, capital of Peru, in the VII International Meeting of Oral Storytellers “Blessed be the word”, informed EFE referencing the North American Peruvian Cultural Institute (ICPNA), organizer of the. “Blessed be the word” will go from the 13th to the 20th of […]
“Women Speak” Immigrant Stories: In Their Own Words
Saratoga.com Saratoga Springs, NY October 30, 2018 This month’s immigrant storytellers share one thing in common: they’re all women. Coming from different areas of the globe, with widely divergent traditions and expectations, they have all made a new life in the United States. The personal stories they’ll share tonight will reflect on how being a woman shaped […]
Athens Storytelling Festival starts Tuesday, Oct. 23
WHNT NEWS 19 Athens, AL October 22, 2018 The 12th annual Athens, AL Storytelling Festival will have five days of events starting on Tuesday, Oct. 23. It will include the 6th Annual Dan Williams Local Tellers Competition, two days of activities for students in the Tennessee Valley, plus 25 programs with five nationally renowned storytellers.
The storytellers of Vermont
CBS News April 23, 2018 By JEREMY BRADLEY Slow down. Talk. Listen. In a world of partisan politics and viral videos these concepts can feel like relics of a bygone era. But something’s happening in Vermont. In the hip art houses of Burlington, at serene coffee shops outside Montpelier and in cozy wooden theaters of rural […]
Kids have a howling good time at library
Port Clinton News Herald September 10, 2018 MARBLEHEAD – The story of four aging farm animals who run away to become musicians came to life on Saturday when children got to play the parts of the animals —a rooster, cat, dog and donkey — in an interactive storytelling presentation of “The Bremen Town Musicians” at […]
Why adults are telling stories on stage
Times of India October 7, 2018 Written by Ketaki Desai Priti Mutha was already struggling with post-partum depression when her father passed away unexpectedly. Her mind was full of thoughts she wanted to share but she had no one to talk to about. That’s when she came across The Narrative, a live and personal storytelling show based […]
Story Slam Grand Finale Coming to Meaford Hall
The Meaford Independent October 3, 2018 Written by Bill Monahan On November 3, the Meaford Culture Foundation will be presenting “an authentic entertainment experience ranging from the heartwarming to the hilarious,” with the Georgian Bay Story Slam Grand Finale. It represents the culmination of a series of Story Slams that have been held in small venues around […]
Minneapolis storyteller wins Great American Story
Park Rapids Enterprise September 26, 2018 Sue Searing of Minneapolis won the Great American Story Saturday night after regaling the audience with her two original stories. The theme for the third annual contest was “connecting through storytelling.” The live performance was held at Calvary Lutheran Church. Since moving to Minnesota three years ago, Searing has appeared […]
Storytellers gather at Storybook Garden, put on a show
The Sentinel September 25, 2018 HANFORD — Bringing stories to life was what some volunteers and children did at the Children’s Storybook Garden Saturday. The Storybook Garden hosted its first-ever Storytelling Festival where children had the opportunity to listen and interact with several storytellers for a few hours at the garden. The Storybook Garden is […]
Living Books Tell Their Stories On Saturday at Fayetteville Public Library
Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette September 7, 2018 18 local residents will be part of the first Human Library event in Northwest Arkansas, based on programs run twenty years ago in Denmark. Organizer Katherine Ganoung says that the Human Library is a chance to bring “storytelling power back to those who lived out their story every day […]
Golden Valley resident draws international attention to the art of storytelling
Golden Valley resident draws international attention to the art of storytelling World Storytelling Day is March 20 By Megan Thorstad | New Hope Golden Valley Sun Post Summary: Golden Valley resident, Vietnam War veteran and retired teacher Larry Johnson has long been inspired by the art of oral storytelling. From his early years as a […]
Workshops, Seminars, Classes & Institutes
Communicating Through Story http://www.carolmon.com Web page for story consultant and storyteller Highlights Workshops http://www.highlightsfoundation.org/ Writing for Children workshops: Writing from the Heart: Telling Your Stories on Paper, Workshop leader Joy Cowley Proprioceptive Writing http://www.pwriting.org A non-profit organization providing Proprioceptive Writing therapy, writing coaches, a distance teaching program, PW workshops on authentic voice, a certification program, […]