National Storytelling Network

Collaborations with Theatres

March 2007             by Kate Dudding   At the 2006 Sharing the Fire, the storytelling conference presented by the League for the Advancement of New England Storytelling, Jo Radner gave an excellent keynote challenging us to come up with ways to raise storytelling to the same level as music and theatre. Her keynote got me thinking.  […]

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By Richard Martin ( I’ve done table-hopping a number of times and always found it worked well, particularly when it is a sit-down dinner. In fact, it is one of my suggestions for a gig like a company’s annual dinner party. My reasoning is that, unlike a theatre gig where the audience have consciously chosen

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Attracting Gen X & Y Audiences

NSN Conference, July 13, 2005 Pre-conference for the Producers SIG Notes from discussion on involving Generation X and Y in storytelling, and attracting them to storytelling events. Compiled by Janelle Reardon Member, Producers & Organizers SIG   ELEMENTS TO ADD or CHANGE: Story Slam (like poetry slam) Choose venue where X & Y generations hang

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Thanking New Listeners

Producer: Ellen H. Munds ( In order to encourage new listeners to come back to our next storytelling event, I send them a letter, thanking them for coming and telling them about our next event. Below is a copy of such a letter. April 20, 2004 Bill Jones 1234 N Virginia St Indianapolis, IN 46205

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Getting It On Tape

by Leanne Johnson Member, Producers & Organizers SIG They began arriving in January. First, a small flurry, then a trickle at month’s end, and a veritable blizzard around the February 15th deadline. Tapes! Tapes! Tapes! Tapes filled with stories, and songs, and memories, and magic – and mistakes. As the chairperson of a concert committee,

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All Life’s on Stage: Students, Residents Spin True Tales in College Series

Addison County Independent (Addison County, VT) , April 22, 2010 Summary: Professor Linus Owens tells a story about his family during a Middlebury Moth storytelling event last Thursday night. Middlebury Moth is inspired by The Moth Radio Hour, a nationally broadcast radio show that features true stories told by real people without scripts. Participants shared

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Telling Stories: Creating Community One Story at a Time

Tucson Citizen (Tucson, AZ), March 2, 2010 Summary: Stories can heal, educate, sell, empower, and/or illuminate. They can be told, performed, journaled, blogged, social media’d, and/or written. Here are some on-line locations where you can learn more about storytelling applications. The National Storytelling Network has five special interest groups dealing with healing, producing storytelling events,

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New Take on Storytelling

Lancaster Guardian (Lancaster, UK) , February 11, 2010 Summary: A NEW scheme to bring books to life is being launched in Lancaster next week. The Living Libraries in Lancashire scheme gives visitors to the city’s library the chance to ‘borrow’ living books. The ‘books’ – who are actually volunteers from the district – will give

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Enter the World of Storytelling

ExpressBuzz (Chenai, India), February 10, 2010 Summary: No one who sat in the intellectual audience at IIT Madras on a Sunday afternoon would’ve imagined that a story of two little goats who lived on two separate hills would do wonders to lift their energy levels. Yet, Jeeva Raghunath, a professional storyteller, addressed a gathering on

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Senior Center Invites All: Come and Share Your Stories

The Herald of Randolph (Randolph, VT) , February 4, 2010 Summary: What’s more enjoyable than sharing your stories? And what’s a better way to build community than to hear other people’s stories? That’s the idea behind a new series of storytelling programs, called “Talking With,” sponsored by the Randolph Senior Center for the general public.

Senior Center Invites All: Come and Share Your Stories Details »

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