
Blank Stares and Glittering Eyes: Adventures with Audiences

By Cassandra Cushing Cassie is a Next Generation Scholarship recipient for attending the 2013 National Storytelling Conference, August 1-4 in Richmond, VA. My storytelling teachers and mentors told me that sometimes a synergy between the teller, the tale and the audience can emerge in an almost tangible relationship—an unseen but nonetheless palpable energy becomes present

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Businesses Can Connect Through Storytelling

Businesses Can Connect Through Storytelling The Salt Lake Tribune (Salt Lake City, UT), July 29, 2013 Summary: Ty Bennett, the author of “The Power of Storytelling,” says stories are a big way to connect with audiences and customers. Storytelling works in a business presentation because stories make every presentation more engaging, dynamic, compelling and memorable.

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A Twist in the Tale

A Twist in the Tale The Hindu (Chennai, India), July 6, 2013 Summary: Indians are big on stories. This is a land of myths and mythologies; of tales with pious men and brave gods; of stories with carefully masked do’s and don’ts; of tickling anecdotes and gruesome monsters. We have always loved a good story,

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The New American Storytelling Festival: If Not Now, When?

by Willy Claflin I’m really looking forward to joining all of you at the National Storytelling Conference in Richmond this August 1-4.  Last summer we planted a seed.  A new domain name was registered: The American Storytelling Festival.  A new festival was proposed.  Somewhat tongue in cheek, it promised to be Everything You Ever Wanted. 

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Ease Your Financial Worries: Fundraising for Storytelling Organizations

by Ellen Munds In my early days of fundraising, the idea of asking someone for money made me physically sick. But I also knew that no one was going to do it for me, so I had to learn how. In 1996, I attended a one-week course at the Fund Raising School of Indiana University

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